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Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Candidates study new Texas political maps (AP)
Sunday, February 19, 2012
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Secure A Financial Retirement Through Investment Services - Best ...
Posted by Justine Collins on February 18th, 2012
Having a secure future probably tops the priority list of every individual. Knowing these, every employee hence desires to design for himself a failure-proof strategy that can overcome unexpected and ominous happenings in the future. In other words, an individual devoid of adequate planning is on his path to a bumpy ride later on in life. It goes on without saying then that convenient and secure living is the outcome of a well-formulated and appropriately executed scheme that ensures only positive results.
Like everyone else, you want to experience peace and financial prosperity during your retirement. If you really desire financial security even when you retire, you have the option to choose reliable investment services to serve as the key to your bright future. The supervision of investment professionals can definitely help you plan a practical approach to your course of retirement.
Under the supervision of real investment experts, expect that you can make perfectly sound investment choices. Investment services not only help you select possible options such as an IRA or a pension, these services also accustom you to the overall essentials of investment planning you ought to know.
If you are in doubt, think of the great possibilities that may inspire you to plan. In case you do not know, early investment planning permits you to enjoy, later on in life, what you value now. Do you know that through retirement investment planning you can have the chance to enjoy your life the way you want to even after you retire? Expect decreased financial difficulties in the future once you choose to plan for your retirement. All you have with you, after all, is a thoroughly planned financial investment plan that can expand your assets in a certain time frame.
Are you keen on living a convenient life after retirement? Do you aspire to have the opportunity to enjoy pleasurable existence when you conclude your employment? Do want to live the life you?ve always wanted? Are you keen on developing the benefits of current opportunities many times for the future? More importantly, would you like you and your family to experience the good life? No doubt, your answer is yes. Of course, you have personal goals you want you to lay out for you and your family even after you retire. What better method to accomplish these aspirations than hiring investment services aligned with your own retirement plans?
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Saturday, February 18, 2012
Treasure Coast Real Estate | OCEAN VIEW CONDO Homes For ...
by starfish on February 17, 2012
Find OCEAN VIEW CONDO Homes For Sale and OCEAN VIEW CONDO Home Values. We also have information on mortgages, insurance, movers and other Treasure Coast Real Estate Services for anyone looking to sell or buy a home in beautiful Martin COUNTY Florida.
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How Too Much Information Can Harm Negotiations - The Educated ...
Margaret Neale of the Stanford Graduate School of Business expains how background
information - information taken from LinkedIn or Facebook, for example - can stop?you seeing
what's important to your negotiation partners, and cause?you to make mistakes.
Whether we're negotiating a business deal or talking with a friend about which movie to see,
most of us use information we have about the other party to reach agreement.
Too Much Information When Negotiating
But recent research from the Stanford Graduate School of Business warns that knowing
our negotiation partners too well or having the wrong kind of information about them
can actually produce less successful negotiating results than having no information.
What today's savvy social media users have dubbed TMI?- too much information?-
can indeed be a pitfall.
"To the extent that people rely on information that's easily available, they may rely on
it to the exclusion of doing the hard work necessary to create value in a negotiation,"
says Margaret Neale, the John G. McCoy?Banc One Corporation Professor of Organizations
and Dispute Resolution at the business school, who conducted the research with Scott
Wiltermuth, PhD '09, now an assistant professor at USC's Marshall School of Business.
What Kind of Information is Useless?
Their experiments looked at the effects of "nondiagnostic information"?- useless, irrelevant
statements about a negotiation partner, as opposed to information related to the issues
being negotiated.
Nothing is less useful than generic personality statements that seem to fit everyone to a tee?-
statements like "This person prefers a certain amount of change and variety and becomes
dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations." So that's the kind of useless
information the researchers gave one group of participants, supposedly based upon
a personality test their partners had taken.
For comparison, a different group only got information directly related to the negotiation,
such as which issues were more important to their negotiation partners. Knowing the importance
of issues to a person's negotiating partner, Neale says, creates opportunities for a negotiator
to enlarge the potential pool of resources available to the parties, rather than simply focusing
on who gets what.
When individuals in the two groups were then asked to rate the advantage they gained
from the information, both sets of participants reported the same level of advantage,
which was higher than that perceived by a control group that hadn't been given any information
at all.
In other words, Neale explains, "people couldn't tell the difference between diagnostic
and nondiagnostic information."
What Was the Effect of Useless Information on Negotiation?
But what was the effect of the useless information on negotiation? To find out, Neale
and Wiltermuth asked participants to represent two companies in a merger and negotiate
several issues, such as which firm's CEO would head the new company and where that company's
headquarters would locate.
People who had read the irrelevant, distracting statements, it turned out, were far less accurate
in identifying the issues that were least important to their partners?- the very issues that offer
opportunities to enlarge the size of the pie.
Specifically, participants with useless information could identify these issues only 14%
of the time and fared worse than even people who had no information at all
(who correctly identified the issues 26% of the time).
A follow-up experiment revealed why negotiators with irrelevant information did worse.
What the researchers found, Neale says, was not that people weren't exchanging valuable
information. "It was that people were not paying attention to this information in front of them."
And because they ignored useful information, they created vastly less value than participants
who didn't have this useless information. The participants with useless information were also
more likely to reach an impasse and fail to reach an agreement at all.
These results, published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, should give pause to anyone
who negotiates in the real world, which includes most of us.
Negotiations Between People Who Know Each Other Well
For one thing, the research suggests why negotiations between friends or other people
who know each other well aren't as likely to create value. "Because I think I know you well,
I'm not going to be as attuned to the specifics of the negotiation," Neale says. "I'm going
to think I know what you care about, but I don't test out those hypotheses."
What's more, the easy availability of information about others?- think of LinkedIn profiles,
Facebook pages, and Twitter feeds, for example?- can lull us into a false sense of confidence
even about strangers.
That's not to say that such information is always irrelevant, but since we're poor at telling
the useful from the useless, looking at social media for insights about our negotiation partners
can harm us by shifting our focus from what's truly important in the negotiation.
"We feel like we've done our homework," Neale says, "but we don't know the issues."
? Marina Krakovsky
You might also want to read:
Negotiation: 6 Common Pitfalls You Must Avoid
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Friday, February 17, 2012
Biomedical Informatics What? The New Frontier of Research ...
While biomedical informatics has been a part of the health care culture since the 1950s, the exponential increase in available medical literature has brought the field of study to the forefront. By examining the forthcoming advances in search techniques and data storage and retrieval, medical staff will better be able to keep pace with the paradigm shift in medical decision making. According to Stead, Searle, Fessler, Smith, and Shortliffe (2011), biomedical informatics is the interdisciplinary scientific field that studies and pursues the effective use of data, information, and knowledge for scientific inquiry, problem solving, decision-making, and communication.
Sandi L. Bates, MLIS, head of Reference and User Education at the Library of the Health Sciences, and J. J. Horning, MLIS, information specialist with the Health Workforce Information Center, received Marine Biological Laboratory and National Library of Medicine Course Fellowships after attending the 2011 Biomedical Informatics course sponsored by the National Institute of Health and the National Library of Medicine. The week-long survey course introduced the conceptual and technical components of medical informatics. Bates and Horning will be showcasing the knowledge they gained during four, half-hour brown bag seminars at 12:15 p.m. on February 22 and 29 and March 7 and 14 in Reed Keller Auditorium at the SMHS in Grand Forks.
Topics to be covered during the four sessions will include terminology structures and the United Medical Language System; Semantic Medline; Clinical Informatics and ethics and biomedical informatics.
Learning objectives for the first session are the following:
? Define biomedical informatics.
? Identify components of theory and modeling structures.
? Identify functions of controlled terminologies.
? Explain the Unified Medical Language System (USML).
The University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences designates this live activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category .5 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should only claim the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
The sessions are open to all students, staff, and faculty.
Stead, W. W., Searle, J. R., Fessler, H. E., Smith, J. W., & Shortliffe, E. H. (2011). Biomedical informatics: changing what physicians need to know and how they learn. Academic Medicine, 86(4), 429?434. PMID: 20711055
Tagged as: Biomedical Informatics, National Library of Medicine, NIH
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
Transformational Politics: Awakening an American Society and the ...
February 14, 2012 by admin
?Julian Assange? said Noam Chomsky ?should be congratulated for carrying out the responsibilities of a citizen in democratic societies, where the population should be aware of what their selected representatives are doing and planning.? Assange is perhaps to pay a heavy price for disclosure, as simultaneously, Bradley Manning, a soldier of conscience, is to pay the ultimate one.
The effectiveness of these two men?s actions should be taken to heart, and into our collective activism ?For those that have the privilege to know have the privilege to act (Einstein). Also we must understand that we are not just standing in quiet or rowdy resolution and solidarity with an Assange or Manning just because our conscience dictates but because we are connected at the very substance of our being and in an evolutionary reality.
We have a constituent understanding of these two, and other men and women of conscience, because we are not in any way separate in time and space from them or their suffering. We are individuated, distinct, but never apart. The 1% would rule, the 99% would move.
It is why the ?occupy movement? is coherent, growing, and in tune with a universal melody soon to become symphonic, expressed through a rising chorus of intelligent and persistent voices. We gather nimbus around our feet and grow wings on our back, and would like the Sirin, close to Eden, symbols of ?world harmony? and ready to fly, swoop, our songs ?going into the soul of man?. For, ?Truth and Love is the only thing that counts. Where this is present, everything rights itself in the end. This is a law to which there is no exception.? (Mahatma Gandhi, Young India 1927).
via Transformational Politics: Awakening an American Society and the Global Community ? Salem-News.Com.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Market declines after hitting technical wall (Reuters)
NEW YORK (Reuters) ? Stocks gave up gains on Wednesday as the S&P 500 hit a technical barrier near a nine-month high and Apple shares erased a 3 percent advance.
Apple Inc (AAPL.O) shares turned negative, weighing on the Nasdaq and reversing the overall market's advance. Doreen Mogavero, chief executive of trading firm Mogavero, Lee & Co, said from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange investors were concerned about a report that Apple had asked Amazon to halt sales of its iPad in China.
Apple was not immediately available for comment, and an Amazon spokeswoman declined to comment.
Volume on the iPhone maker's shares was more than twice its average in the last 10 days. Shares were last down 0.4 percent at $507.35 after climbing as high as $526.29.
Industrial stocks led declines on the S&P 500, with Deere & Co (DE.N) down 3.6 percent at $85.85 after investors expected the farm equipment company to give a stronger full-year forecast.
U.S. manufacturing output rose solidly in January and a gauge of factory activity in New York state hit a 1-1/2-year high in February, adding to a run of fairly upbeat data, even though overall industrial production was flat last month.
The S&P hit a peak of 1,355.87, just shy of its July 2010 high. A break above that level would take the benchmark to its strongest since at least May of last year.
"Right now we're bouncing off 1,355. It's probably a little consolidation what we're having right now," said Randy Frederick, managing director of active trading and derivatives at Charles Schwab.
The Dow Jones industrial average (.DJI) dropped 105.58 points, or 0.82 percent, to 12,772.70. The S&P 500 Index (.SPX) fell 6.32 points, or 0.47 percent, to 1,344.18. The Nasdaq Composite (.IXIC) lost 8.04 points, or 0.27 percent, to 2,923.79.
Decliners on the Dow, which underperformed the broader market, included industrial and material stocks like Caterpillar Inc (CAT.N), down 0.7 percent at $113.66.
Earlier the Dow industrials were trading near a 3 1/2 high and the Nasdaq was at a more than 11-year high.
Also weighing on the market, European Union sources said finance officials were examining ways of delaying parts or even all of a second bailout for Greece, while still avoiding a disorderly default. That rekindled fears about the region's debt crisis.
A debt-laden Chinese technology firm seeking to ban all iPad shipments in and out of the country has been told that China's customs authorities are unlikely to intervene in the trademark battle.
(Reporting by Rodrigo Campos; Editing by Kenneth Barry)
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Police and Fire Chiefs discuss switch to narrow banding that occurs ...
Once per month the Chiefs from Dubois County fire and police departments meet to talk about issues that affect their department?s functions. The focus of the discussion in Monday night?s meeting was on a concept called ?narrow banding.?
This term describes a change that is mandated by the Federal Communications Commission in Washington that affects wireless communications across the nation. It means the frequencies in which radio communications for emergency services operates is getting squeezed into a smaller space to make room for more available frequencies that the FCC can allocate to other things.
When a person calls 911 and requests emergency services, the 911 Communications Center uses radio transmitters to alert the proper department of the call. The communications that takes place behind the scene is very critical for emergency responders to get the message and respond appropriately.
The ?narrow banding? is mandated to be finished this year, but Dubois County is implementing the change late this month, taking a ?sooner rather than later? approach.
In last night?s meeting, the discussion centered on who is going to go first in the modification of radios to work with narrow banding. In attendance at the meeting was Charlie McIntire with Advanced Radio Communications of Huntingburg. He is one of the facilitators for changing radios over to narrow banding.
?Radios have to be updated and reprogrammed, actually radios will probably have to be updated just to be capable of being reprogrammed,? said McIntire. ?It does not just affect the fire and police, it affects any two way radio user in that VHF and UHF bandwidth. Factories and all these two way radio users are affected by this.?
The change to narrow band for Dubois County Fire and Police will begin on Monday, February 27th and should be completed by the end of the month. Janice Love with the 911 communications center in Jasper says there should be no interruption to services or communications during this time.
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Bishops plan aggressive expansion of birth-control battle (Reuters)
(Reuters) ? Catholic bishops, energized by a battle over contraception funding, are planning an aggressive campaign to rally Americans against a long list of government measures which they say intrude on religious liberty.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops plans to work with other religious groups, including evangelical Christians, on an election-year public relations campaign that may include TV and radio ads, social media marketing and a push for pastors and priests to raise the subject from the pulpit.
"We want to make it something that will get peoples' attention," said Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, Conn.
The bishops spent the past few weeks pressing President Barack Obama to exempt religious employers from a federal mandate that all health insurance plans offer free birth control.
Obama agreed to modify the mandate a bit, so that religious employers wouldn't have to pay for contraceptive coverage directly. That satisfied some Catholic groups, but the bishops were not mollified. They want the mandate repealed altogether.
And now, they are aiming higher still, lobbying Congress to enact a law that would let any employer opt out of covering any medical treatment he disagreed with as a matter of his personal faith.
So, for instance, a pizzeria owner who objected to childhood vaccinations on religious grounds would be able to request an insurance plan that did not cover them, in effect overriding a federal requirement that vaccinations be provided free with any health-insurance plan.
Leaving coverage decisions up to each employers' conscience might create chaos in the marketplace, "but chaos is sometimes the price you pay for freedom," said Richard Land, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, who is backing the bishops whole-heartedly.
Democrats, who control the Senate, are likely to block any bill with such broad opt-out provisions.
But supporters, including prominent Republicans, say they will keep pushing for the change, which fits into a wider theme of defending individual freedoms against government intrusion which is expected to play prominently in the November election.
Along with the Southern Baptist Convention, the National Association of Evangelicals stands ready to contribute money and manpower to the bishops' campaign, said Galen Carey, an association vice president.
The group is also considering the unprecedented step of asking pastors of every evangelical denomination across the country to read their congregations an open letter protesting the contraception mandate as an assault on religious liberty.
Liberal groups are already launching counter-attacks.
This week, NARAL Pro-Choice America, which works to keep abortion legal and expand contraceptive access, spent $250,000 to air radio ads in four swing states that will be crucial to the presidential election -- Colorado, Florida, Virginia and Wisconsin.
The ads urge support for Obama and his effort to ensure that "women of all faiths, no matter where they work," can get free birth control with their health insurance.
More than 30 organizations supporting Obama teamed up to create the Coalition to Protect Women's Health Care, which has started an online petition and plans further action.
The coalition includes two unions that represent millions of workers and have well-honed networks for getting out political messages, the Service Employees International Union and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
Obama's supporters say the president went far enough to accommodate religious institutions when he announced last week that they wouldn't have to pay for free birth control as part of their insurance plans; he said instead their insurers would be required to pick up the costs.
The bishops denounced this as a gimmick that doesn't solve anything, especially for the many religious hospitals and schools that self-insure their employees.
"Reasonable people should be able to work through the details of this and find common ground," said John Gehring, Catholic outreach coordinator for the liberal group Faith in Public Life. "But election-year politics doesn't make for cool heads."
The Conference of Catholic Bishops began preparing months ago for a battle royale over religious freedom. Last fall, the conference bulked up its staff, hiring a lawyer who had devoted his career to religious liberty cases and a lobbyist to press the cause in Washington. The group also created a special committee on religious liberty, chaired by Bishop Lori.
In a September letter announcing the committee, Archbishop Timothy Dolan declared that religious freedom "is now increasingly and in unprecedented ways under assault in America." He and other officials offer many examples of that perceived assault.
On the federal level, the Obama administration has cancelled or threatened to cancel contracts awarded to Catholic charities for work to prevent HIV and to help victims of sex trafficking. The administration says the charities have to provide services such as condoms, emergency contraception and abortion referrals to maintain the contracts; the charities protest that such conditions violate their religious faith.
Several states, meanwhile, have required adoption agencies that receive public funds to treat same-sex couples on par with any other prospective foster or adoptive parent. Catholic Charities object, saying the church doesn't sanction gay and lesbian relationships. Rather than comply with the laws, bishops in Illinois, Massachusetts and Washington D.C. have shut down Catholic adoption agencies.
The bishops portray this as an out-and-out war on free exercise of religion.
But secular and liberal groups say no one's assailing the freedom to worship, to proselytize -- or even to perform social services, such as placing needy children in loving homes, according to religious precepts.
It is only when a religious institution accepts taxpayer money to do such work that religious freedom must take a back seat to secular laws, said Marci Hamilton, a constitutional scholar at Cardozo School of Law.
Courts nationwide have repeatedly ruled that religious groups must follow the same rules as everyone else when holding a government contract, Hamilton said. Any institution that can't in good faith follow those rules shouldn't apply for public funding, she said.
With regard to contraceptive care, courts in New York and California have upheld state laws -- similar to the federal mandate -- that insurance plans, including those sponsored by religious employers, must cover birth control if they cover other prescription drugs.
It is unclear whether such nuances will filter into the public debate over religious freedom and contraceptive coverage.
Both sides say they believe public opinion is firmly in their corner -- and they're determined to keep it that way with a steady drumbeat of snappy soundbites.
More than 100 university professors and religious leaders from different faiths released a letter of protest against the administration Tuesday that was headlined with a single word: "Unacceptable." The letter called the Obama administration "morally obtuse" and blasted the contraceptive coverage mandate as "a grave violation of religious freedom."
On the other side, the American Civil Liberties Union held a press conference to accuse the bishops of playing politics in the name of faith. The bishops are promoting "a distorted view of religious liberty -- one that has no basis in law or the Constitution," said Daniel Mach, director of the ACLU Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief.
(Reporting By Stephanie Simon in Denver,; additional reporting by Thomas Ferraro; Editing by David Storey and Marilyn Thompson)
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Tempe, AZ 2/13/12? ? Fuel Up to Play 60 is proving to be a program that can help schools create a healthier environment for students. With more than 70,000 schools now enrolled in the program, representing almost three-fourths of all U.S. school districts, Fuel Up to Play 60 provides a free ?Playbook? of tools, resources, rewards and engagement activities to empower youth to work with adults in their school community to make healthy changes. The program?s first ?report card? since launching nationally in 2009 shows that schools are making progress in promoting healthier eating habits and increasing physical activity among students.
- Nearly two-thirds of enrolled adults say the program is helping students make healthier food choices.
- More than half (56 percent) say the program is helping to increase opportunities for students to be physically active before, during and after school, and 58 percent say it is helping to increase the amount of time students are physically active.
- On average, 7.5 million students nationwide, over 20 percent of those enrolled, are actively involved in the program by helping to plan, lead, implement or participate in peer-to-peer promotions, events and in-school change strategies.?
Founded by the National Dairy Council (NDC) and the National Football League (NFL) in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Fuel Up to Play 60 provides students and schools with resources they can use to develop a plan that best fits their school. Many schools in Arizona have utilized the Fuel Up To Play 60 Playbook ?play? that develops a school wide walking club. The walking club is an easy way to get kids moving and has shown them that any movement counts to get their 60 minutes of activity a day.
?These are the kind of results we were hoping for. Our goal from the onset was to help empower schools and students to identify and implement strategies that can help students make healthier choices when it comes to eating and physical activity,? said Jean H. Ragalie, RD, president of the National Dairy Council. ?In this time of economic challenges and time constraints, it is even more important to create an environment that makes eating healthy and staying active attainable, within any type of budget, in any school district.?
Fuel Up to Play 60 addresses the real-world circumstances of resource-strapped schools by offering funding opportunities that can help schools make strides in meeting their wellness goals. (Approximately 60 percent of funded schools serve a largely low-income student body.) As a result, Fuel Up to Play 60, supported in part by U.S. dairy farmer families, has given a combined total of over $20 million in funds and rewards to help participating schools increase access to nutrient-rich foods and physical activity. Beyond dollars, Fuel Up to Play 60 also encourages and recognizes schools and students with tangible rewards and resources such as participation in a Student Ambassador summit, a trip to the Super Bowl, official NFL gear and NFL player appearances.?
?Fuel Up To Play 60 is such an amazing program? to watch schools bring their wellness goals to life and make healthy changes is incredible.? Said Pat Johnson MS, RD, SNS, Director of Nutrition Services for the Dairy Council of Arizona.
The commitment to Fuel Up to Play 60 is extensive. In addition to a network of more than 90,000 adults enrolled in the program, the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services co-signed an agreement to support Fuel Up to Play 60 earlier this year. Supported by health and nutrition organizations like the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the School Nutrition Association, the program now involves schools that serve more than 36 million students nationwide. In February 2011, GENYOUth Foundation was launched to raise funds for Fuel Up to Play 60 and other in-school programs of its kind, and to give leaders in health, business, government and communities nationwide the opportunity to be a part of a movement that relies on participation, collaboration and action to help reverse childhood obesity rates.
?The NFL is proud to be a partner in Fuel Up to Play 60, which is making a real and lasting impact in schools and communities across the country. The program is an important part of encouraging our youngest fans to stay active and eat healthy,? said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.
Schools, parents and students can learn more about Fuel Up to Play 60 at ?or Eat Healthy. Get Active. Make a Difference.
About Dairy Council of Arizona
Dairy Council of Arizona is funded by Arizona?s Dairy Farmers.
About Fuel Up to Play 60
Fuel Up to Play 60 is an in-school nutrition and physical activity program launched by National Dairy Council (NDC) and National Football League (NFL), with additional partnership support from U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The program encourages youth to consume nutrient-rich foods (low-fat and fat-free dairy, fruits, vegetables and whole grains) and achieve at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day.
Fuel Up to Play 60 is designed to engage and empower youth to take action for their own health by implementing long-term, positive changes for themselves and their schools. Customizable and non-prescriptive program components are grounded in research with youth, including tools and resources, in-school promotional materials, a website and student challenges. Fuel Up to Play 60 is further supported by several health and nutrition organizations: Action for Healthy Kids, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Dietetic Association, National Hispanic Medical Association, National Medical Association and School Nutrition Association. Visit to learn more.
About National Dairy Council
National Dairy Council? (NDC) is the nutrition research, education and communications arm of Dairy Management Inc?. NDC provides science-based nutrition information to, and in collaboration with, a variety of stakeholders committed to fostering a healthier society, including health professionals, educators, school nutrition directors, academia, industry, consumers and media. Established in 1915, NDC is dedicated to educating the public on the health benefits of consuming milk and milk products throughout a person?s lifespan. For more information, visit
About NFL PLAY 60
Designed to help tackle childhood obesity, NFL PLAY 60 brings together the NFL?s long-standing commitment to health and fitness with partner organizations like the National Dairy Council. NFLPLAY 60 is also implemented locally, as part of the NFL?s in-school, after-school and team-based programs. For more information, visit ? 2012 NFL Properties LLC. All NFL-related trademarks are trademarks of the National Football League.
About GENYOUth
Today, over one-third of American children are either overweight or obese. If the trend continues, today?s children may be the first generation with shorter life expectancies than their parents. In response to this epidemic, GENYOUth Foundation was founded to inspire youth behavior change. GENYOUth Foundation is launched with initial funding from four founding partners: Domino?s Pizza?, Kraft Foods, LALA USA and Leprino Foods, with additional funding from dairy farmers through NDC. It invites business and philanthropic partners who share in its mission to join its efforts in pursuing a sustainable solution to the childhood obesity epidemic and help ensure that America?s children have access to the health and wellness information that will help them succeed. GENYOUth Foundation will demonstrate that when youth are given a voice, change can happen. For more information, visit Media resources, including press conference video footage and photos are available at
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Monday, February 13, 2012
Self Love Newsflash: YOU Goddess?are the lover that you have ...
Women have been taught to chase a Disney fairytale. The one where Prince Charming comes riding in on his big, white steed and sweeps you off your feet. The brutal reality is that happily ever afters aren?t usually that easy. In order to be deeply loved by another you must love yourself first.?The most important relationship you have is the one you have with yourself. It may sound cliche, but it?s true. Let me ask you, do you notice and appreciate your strengths and your beauty?? Or do you tend to beat yourself up over your perceived flaws and imperfection?
Love is a powerful emotion and when you authentically feel love for yourself, it shows on the outside, emanating through your pores. Your love and light shines brightly out of you and onto others and by golly, it?s contagious! Let?s make this Valentine?s Day all about YOU and SELF-LOVE!
I teach women to connect with their Inner Goddess to create what I like to call a ?Goddess Mindset?. A Goddess Mindset is attained by up-leveling your sense of deserving.
- I deserve to be happy and healthy.
- I deserve to be loved and valued.
- I deserve to be respected and validated.
Goddesses LOVE to indulge and say ?YES? to their deepest desires. Let?s explore a couple of ways you can say YES to yours this Valentine?s Day?
There is no bigger indulgence for most woman than a scrumptious piece of chocolate! Forget the generic prepackaged box of chocolates full of sugar, additives, food coloring, high fructose corn syrup and God knows what else. Here are a couple of? ideas that will make your Valentine?s Day Health-ified & Sexi-fied! Think? candle light, a glass of your favorite wine, soft, sexy music and some chocolate dipped strawberries! Be sure to ask your family for some private, uninterrupted time. I?ve been known to lock my bedroom door!? Ooooh I can hardly wait how about you?
Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries
Chocolate-dipped strawberries make an elegant dessert that won?t pack on the pounds. Begin by melting your favorite dark chocolate that has over 70 percent cocoa (it?s important, less sugar), and mix it with a bit of heavy cream. Dip each strawberry in the chocolate and place on parchment paper until the chocolate sets.
Goddess Bath
1 can organic coconut milk
1/4 rose petals
3 tablespoons apricot oil
6 drops rose essential oil
Pour all ingredients (except for rose petals) into a blender for a few seconds to incorporate. Pour mixture into running bath water. Sprinkle rose petals in bath. Ooohh la-la?.
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Sunday, February 12, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
The reason why you Would need Addiction Procedure Companies ...
A number of people realise partners . booking right into substance abuse treatment method comforts when hoping to purged them selves for the habit, environment . often indeed just about so just why they need to guidebook inside the factory on a 7 days as an alternative to attending a healthcare professional suitable for treatment program. Solution is often rather proficient, nevertheless, you can locate occasions when substance abuse treatment factories is capable of a whole lot more, the way it forces you to maintain inside feature besides seeing on / off.
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You could find good things about purchasing means by which to dependencies, but yet rrn order that a majority of these cures to use, it is important to determine to change your individual existence of the significantly better. One of the most stressful choice can be picking out should you handbook your spouse directly into the premises for all those typically, you should have option to experience how much is actually created which will help you, and then suddenly utilization most of these solutions available as the exercising jewel near a happy plus normal forthcoming future.
Taking charge of this lifespan is not necessarily trouble-free, except, invest the smallish things for data retrieval, you are able to transforms that would get a new peacefulness . from your reality in a optimists procedure, it also all the starts with abusing drugs health care comforts and in addition the professionals who have the learning to steer in the same manner for you personally.
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Friday, February 10, 2012
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An additional property loan is also many times known as home equity loan. There?s no distinction between a residence home equity financial loan8 and a second home finance loan. These are merely 2 totally different conditions for the very same topic.
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